Reditus Group Blog

GTM Strategy

Build your GTM Strategy on Customer Success Goals

In the rapidly evolving landscape of small B2B tech companies, achieving sustainable growth and stability demands a carefully crafted Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy. Amidst the many considerations, integrating robust customer success initiatives becomes a strategic imperative—and one that most companies do poorly from the beginning. This blog explores the pivotal role

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Unlocking Growth Potential

Unlocking Growth Potential for Small B2B Tech Companies with Fractional Customer Success Services

Elevate Your Revenue Game with Tailored Customer Success Strategies In the fast-paced and competitive landscape of small B2B technology companies, every dollar, and every client relationship matters. For these organizations, the need for efficient, targeted, and results-driven customer success is more critical than ever. In this blog post, we’ll explore

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Head of Sales vs a Fractional Revenue Team

Head of Sales vs a Fractional Revenue Team for Tech Startups

Thinking of Hiring a Head of Sales? Speed and innovation are crucial for today’s B2B tech startups. For these companies, the role of a Head of Sales seems crucial for steering the ship toward success. However, this traditional approach to hiring a full-time resource may not always provide the agility

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Fractional Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)

The Role of a Fractional Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)

Introduction At Reditus, we hold that startups need the best revenue teams to help them grow quickly. This is what a CRO can do for your business. These executives bring strategic knowledge to help the startup scale. However, many startups are unable to afford a good CRO. One solution that

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Fractional Chief Customer Officers

Fractional Customer Success and Chief Customer Officers

Why Customer Success? Customer success (CS) is crucial to the long-term success of B2B tech firms. In today’s market, keeping and growing your existing clients can be even more important than winning new ones. For those firms that rely on recurring revenue, every client counts. The cost of losing just

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