Reditus Group Blog

Deep Domain Expertise

Deep Domain Expertise Is Crucial for B2B Startups  

King of Your Domain A great idea and funding are often seen as key cornerstones of startup success, but true success also requires the startup team have deep domain expertise. One recent engagement we had at Reditus Group highlights how this crucial element can derail even the most well-conceived business

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Targeting the Mid-Market

The Strategic Advantage of Targeting the Mid-Market in B2B Tech 

In this post: Goldilocks Had it Right Understanding the Mid-Market The Limitations of Targeting SMBs The Challenges of Targeting Large Enterprises The Strategic Benefits of a Mid-Market Strategy Conclusion Goldilocks Had it Right Choosing the right market segment is crucial for any startup, especially in the B2B tech sector. While

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customer refuses to pay

How to Handle a Customer Who Refuses to Pay 

Pay Me Please For B2B tech startups, effective cash flow management is crucial to sustaining operations and fostering growth. However, one challenging scenario that can disrupt this flow involves a customer who refuses to pay. This situation not only strains financial resources but can also consume considerable time and effort.

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Hiring Your First Sales Rep

Before Hiring Your First Sales Rep at a Startup 

Introduction When you’re ready to hire your first sales rep at a startup, it’s a step that signals readiness for growth and a crucial milestone in your journey to generate substantial revenue. The urgency to bring revenue in the door—to fund product development, scale operations, and accelerate growth—is palpable and

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Fast Forward: How Fractional CROs Accelerate Sales 

Fast Forward: How Fractional CROs Accelerate Sales 

The Startup Scramble: Speed is King The startup game is a race against time. Securing funding, building a product, and acquiring customers all need to happen before your rivals do. But revenue generation can often leave young companies stuck in low gear. Hiring a full-time Head of Sales seems like

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Why Every Early-Stage Tech Startup Needs a Part-Time VP of Sales 

Why Every Early-Stage Tech Startup Needs a Part-Time VP of Sales 

Introduction For early stage startups, the right leadership has a major impact on the company’s trajectory. For early-stage US-based B2B tech startups (or even small-to-medium foreign B2B tech companies looking to penetrate the US market), hiring a part-time VP of Sales—also known as a fractional CRO (Chief Revenue Officer)—can be

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Startup Revenue Growth

Focus is Crucial for Startup Revenue Growth

Introduction Here at Reditus, we talk with dozens of startups every week. Achieving stable and sustainable revenue growth is the dream of every one of them. For startups, revenue growth isn’t just about making money; it’s about survival, scalability, and ultimately, achieving their mission. In this blog, I’m going to

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b2b saas customer retention strategies

Unveiling Effective B2B SaaS Customer Retention Strategies for Startups

Introduction In the world of B2B SaaS (Business-to-Business Software as a Service), customer retention is the cornerstone of sustainable growth. For startups in this space, mastering customer retention strategies is not just a choice but a necessity for survival and success. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies

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